Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Welcome, Stella!

Stella, the adorable wee octopus, has arrived safe and sound in Virginia Beach! And she brought me gifts! What a sweetheart!

She apparently heard that I participate in NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNoWriMo!
Haylie informed me that her last trip to Virginia was during a hurricane, so
a very nervous Stella brought her own sunshine just in case. And, even tinier than Stella,
my new little friend is Tom the Tiny Turtle, who would like to live in Virginia with me!

Her timing is excellent, as I'm leaving very early tomorrow morning to drive across the state to Roanoke and go to a conference! So of course, she's a very helpful little octopus, and oversaw my packing, to make sure I don't forget anything (including her!).

Silly Stella... You don't have to go in the suitcase. You'll miss all the sights
if you're in there!

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